• Refining Processes to Reclaim Profit

About Us

My start in the home services sector began in my father-in-law’s F150, with the truck’s cabin transforming into an impromptu classroom over the next few months riding together learning the business. 

I was at the wheel, not just navigating the roads, but steering the conversations as he caught up with voicemails left on the machine from the night before. 

This task, usually reserved for the end of a long workday, showed immediate benefits when tackled head-on in the morning. A small shift in approach, but it saved countless hours and laid the groundwork for future enhancements.

Taking the reins both on the road and with our workflow, I questioned every routine task....(sorry Tom!)

My curiosity for improvement began with an answering machine, and ended with virtual assistants in our business. 



Consistent, small tweaks allowed us to deliver an improved customer experience with less time and effort on our end.  

My background as a design engineer wasn’t just a chapter in my past; it provided me with a toolkit of problem-solving skills that translated seamlessly into the business. 

If a process felt tedious or repetitive, especially one repeated hundreds of times a week, it was ripe for innovation. 

That’s how we evolved from manual measurements and carbon-copied contracts to digital solutions like OneNote and SumoQuote, marking significant advancements toward efficiency.

It wasn't only about streamlining – it was about deepening the understanding of our business.

We realized automation isn’t only for improving process, but also for improving customer experience. 


How many times have you won a job because you “were the only one to follow up?” 

We realized human connections one day can lead to a roof sale a year or two down the road.  As the business expanded, our ability to manually follow up with customers diminished.

We focused on giving the customers what they wanted, in a way they wanted it.  We implemented tools like Roofle to provide instant roof estimates, offering the same convenience and clarity that Carvana provides for car buyers.

Our follow-up process is just as sophisticated. ProLine, our tool of choice, automates the follow-up in a way that feels personal, not pushy. It sends quotes directly to customers’ phones and allows us to track their interactions with real-time insights.

Now, as a consultant, I bring these lessons and insights to other business owners. From discovery calls that get to the heart of your challenges to crafting marketing blueprints that resonate with your audience, I’m here to help you reclaim your time and unlock your business’s potential. My ongoing support ensures that as your operations become more efficient, you’re well-equipped for what the future holds.

This story isn’t just mine. 

It’s a reflection of the journey we’ll take together – transforming your operations, enhancing your marketing, and building a business that grows and thrives.